Thursday, December 31, 2015

My One Word for 2016

 I recently participated in a Voxer book study with approximately 30 fearless women - most of whom have never met each other.  Over 31 days we shared, reflected, and supported each other while reading Notes to Me - Inspirational and Motivational Reminders for Women by Dr. Kimberly Giles and Dr. Tammy Jenkins.  An added bonus was these two powerful authors participated in the Voxer book study with us!

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A few of my favorite inspirational and motivational reminders were
Day 4 - Love Yourself - A reminder that self-love is about remembering to be tender and kind to ourselves and remembering to take care of our minds, bodies and spirits daily!
Day 15 - Hey Gorgeous, Yes You - Just know it doesn't matter how tall, short, thin, or fat you are  - Gorgeous is a state of mind and all about how you feel about yourself...We are all gorgeous in our own way.  Take the time today to embrace it! 
Day 16 - Joy - You deserve joy not just every now and then but each and every day.  Go get your Joy!!

But back to my One Word for 2016 

At the conclusion of Notes to Me - the authors share:

"Imagine being able to challenge yourself daily, gentle challenges like the little pushes in the right direction that one needs to act and make some positive changes to your life.  Imagine being able to feel confident and able to say "No" to some of the many demands that are placed upon you, without the need to make up an elaborate excuse."

So here it is - my One Word for 2016 

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For 2016, I will not only IMAGINE a life filled with joy, balance, purpose, gratitude, peace, confidence, focus, and love -  I will remind myself each day that I deserve it, set goals to achieve it, and forgive myself on days that I fall short.

...and I will keep Notes to Me, close by as a constant source of inspiration when needed!


Unknown said...

Dearest @docsheilah Thank you for this insightful New Year's guide. Notes to Self has been a very powerful journey helping us to focus on self. This focus is truly not a selfish act but a very necessary key to joy.
My word for 2016 is passion. I choose to live life with passion. Passion allows me to do each phase with great intention, fully giving of myself and expecting fulfillment.
Thank you for your leadership in our Woman's Movement 2016. Much love to you my dear Sister💜

Dr. Geniene Piche said...

Love it!
It starts with our imagining doesn't it ??
What a great year this WILL be!